Data Import

Data Import for NHLS

If you're a Builder with a lot of listings you need to maintain, we have a couple of different options that make it easy for you not to have to duplicate work and ensure content on NHLS™ replicates the exact information you want to share:

Both of those options will most likely require some tech work on your end but we are able to help provide guidance to your tech team to make the implementation as seamless as possible. Definitely worth the effort because once it's connected, you can confidently know that all of your information is always being updated to ensure accurate and effective marketing for your company.


The NHLS™ API allows your systems to directly push your current listings (pre-sale homes, quick possession, all of them) into the NHLS™ site which will display the data in our standard listings format. You ALWAYS control the data and interact with our system – we never have access to any of your systems. You are able to implement a very basic listing if you want, but we have up to 250 fields available to be managed via the API and the more fields you use, the more appealing your listings will be to Buyers on our site. 

Getting Started with the API

  1. Check out the documentation:
  2. Email [email protected] to request sandbox server access at so that your tech team can test the system and ensure it works effectively prior to launch.
  3. Ask for help if you need it! 

Depending on your system and level of programming ability, a basic API implementation usually takes just a few hours. 


If you already have a BDX XML feed that you use for other systems, we are developing a new feature that will allow us to follow your BDX feed and automatically populate your account with your listings. If you haven't yet implemented a BDX feed, you may want to consider this as it is becoming a standard data format that can be used in many different online services. 

For more information about the BDX XML format: Download the Schema

We will have more information soon showing how you can use your existing BDX XML feed.