We care and it shows.
Our passion is building, our trade is carpentry and our purpose is to satisfy our love for constructing unique and special homes from the ground up that we’re proud of. Homes that provide you with the perfect stage for you to act out the life you’ve always wanted.
We can provide you with everything you need from conception to completion of your dream space.
Cosgrave Construction knows the value of each and every moment a family spends in its home, we want every moment to be the best it can by providing the best possible design, finishes and workmanship so each of these moments will amount to years of great memories in a house that surpasses its capacity as a shelter and becomes the home and centre of your family life.
Our Team
We are all certified carpenters and apprentices, following our passion to be working on exciting projects that produce exciting results. We are all lovers of our West Coast. When we aren’t building homes, you’ll find us surfing, fishing, running trails, hiking and biking from here to Haida Gwaii.