
Caliber Master Builder

Edmonton, Alberta

Welcome to Caliber Master Builder

We are a family-owned and operated local business with over 20 years of specialization in custom homes, infill developments, acreages, mixed use buildings, and renovations in the Greater Edmonton Area.  

Flexible, friendly, and focused on collaboration!  We welcome our clients as friends of the Caliber Family for years to come.

Start your project with us today!

President's Message

For as long as I can remember, I have loved construction.  I’m not sure at what point this love evolved into my passion but I do know that when it aligned with my career choices, great things began to happen.  Looking back today I realize it was a natural progression that I would one day venture into owning my own Company.  It is surreal that 16 years have literally flown by since I opened its doors 2001.  Today, as I look at my father Alex, son Daniel and daughter Jennifer working alongside me every day, it gives me the greatest sense of accomplishment.  How time flies!

When I am asked what my philosophy and success is built on, this is an easy question to answer:  apart from hard work, it’s about relationships.  Caliber Master Builder is built on a foundation that puts the Client first above all else.  We are not building houses; we are building homes and life-long friendships along the way.  To be entrusted by many Clients to construct multiple homes through their stages of life, watch their families grow and eventually move out on their own a privilege beyond measure. 

We never lose sight of the fact that our Clients are entrusting us with the hard-earned savings to make their dreams a reality.  Customization is an integral part of this process and I maintain that building a home for a Client starts with a simple conversation.  We strive every day to see this process through the eyes of our Clients, listen to their desires, understand their excitement, work through their anxieties and at the end of our journey together, provide them an experience and a home they will treasure always.   It is a partnership that grows into mutual respect with a generous dose of ongoing communication. Our team takes great pride in the fact that many return clients, as well as most of our trades, have grown with us and continue as partners to this day!

When I think of this, it really isn’t much different than our own family dynamic and likely why it is so logical for us to view things a bit differently than other builders.  Our Clients become an extension of our own family and become friends for life - I wouldn’t have it any other way!


Ilia Kogan

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